Unit 57: Tell them about Britain
1. They're very important people!
(The VIPs arrived, but the minister is still busy at the moment.)
Christine | Mr. Copley! We've got visitors! |
Copley | Visitors? I'm not expecting visitors. |
Christine | They're here to see the Minister. They're very important people! He can't see them yet. He's busy. |
Copley | Good heavens! |
Christine | He says, "can you talk to them for a few minutes?" |
Copley | Talk to them? What about? |
Christine | Anything. Talk to them about Britain. |
Copley | About Britain ... oh ... right! |
Christine | Tell them about Britain. |
Copley | Er—good morning — I'm Mr. Copley. Well now, let's see, something about Britain: Our political parties, yes? We have three main political parties — the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal Party. Our government at the moment ... Ah, but you know all that already, of course. Education? Education! Children in this country start school at five. They leave school at sixteen, or they can stay till they're eighteen. If they pass their exams they can go to university. If you work in this country, you pay thirty percent income tax. If you're ill, or if you haven't got a job, you get some money from the Government. Wages go up by ten percent a year! Of course, prices go up by fifteen percent a year! Christine! Help! Christine! |
Christine | A cup of tea? |
Copley | Ah. A good idea! A cup of tea. |
2. I can translate for you, if you like.
Copley | We have many national daily newspapers in Britain. For example, there's The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, and the Financial Times. They are the most serious newspapers. Then there are the popular newspapers— The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The Daily Express, and The Daily Mail. The popular newspapers have more photographs than the serious papers. They have fewer articles about international politics. They're more—popular. |
Interpreter | Ah, there you are. I'm sorry I'm late. But you're all right, I see. |
Copley | Who is this? |
Interpreter | I'm with the visitors. I translate for them. They don't speak English. |
Copley | What? |
Interpreter | Not a word. |
Copley | But I was telling them about Britain. I was talking about our political parties, our income tax, our newspapers, and our schools ... |
Interpreter | Well, I can translate for you, if you like. |
Copley | No. It doesn't matter. |
Interpreter | Ah, there is something they want to know about. |
Copley | Good. What is it? |
Interpreter | Yes? They'd like to know all about the Loch Ness Monster. |
Christine | Yes? |
Intercom | The Minister is free now. |
Christine | Thank you. |
Interpreter | Right. We'll go and see him. It's a pity. I wanted to hear about the Loch Ness Monster. |
Christine | They can watch television tonight. There's a programme about it. |
Interpreter | Oh, good. This way please. |
3. The Loch Ness Monster!
Christine | A cup of tea? |
Copley | Yes, please. The Loch Ness Monster! They want to know about the Loch Ness Monster! |
Christine | So do I. |